Gente Motori: Raids around the world

It was back in 1975 when it all started: a telephone call from Gianni Marin the editor of Gente Motori magazine, to Mais Vinicio.

Thus a long association was born that led PubbliMais to paint the graphics of numerous cars that participated in the raids around the world organized by Gente Motori.

The cars, as soon as they left the factories of large European houses such as Fiat, Lancia, Citroën, Renault, Peugeot, Opel, Volvo, Skoda at the end of the decoration at PubbliMais were transported for thousands of kilometers and severely tested by tests of all kinds that were about consumption, endurance, speed, performance ...

They were also photographed immersed in natural and landscape frames chosen among the most spectacular and evocative corners of the planet and periodically published on Gente Motori which with these exclusive services sold many more copies of its competitors of the time. These are precisely the original images that you will see in the video - tribute of these great companies. The images have been selected among many and "cleaned up" in order to be inserted and appreciated in the video, an operation that has taken a long time but that we are happy to have finally completed because now this precious photographic documentation can be shared with all of you 






In this photographic overview that follows we wanted to collect the historical images of the newly decorated cars at PubbliMais, some images were taken from the original Polaroid. It should be noted that all the graphics for Gente Motori have a valuable historical and artistic value as they are all made of paint but with a very strong artisan and manual component for the realization of the shapes of the drawings, logos and alphabets for painting. In addition, many of the designs that appear on the cars are the result of original ideas by Vinicio himself, who elaborated the ideas from Marin's sketches or invented a healthy plan inspired by the myths of ancient civilizations.




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Pubblimais Rally Torino
Pubblimais Rally Torino

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