crumbs and actuality

Race for Glory, we went to see it!
crumbs and actuality · 02. April 2024
This is the adjective that best describes our state of mind after watching the film of the moment .........

We certify the historical liveries!
crumbs and actuality · 24. October 2023
Pubbli Mais has a historical past well known to enthusiasts and a renowed experience in the field of rally liveries which has been consolidated over the years ...

Talk about us on YOUNG CLASSIC
crumbs and actuality · 04. July 2023
They talk about us in the new monthly magazine just launched by ACI. We're talking about YOUNG CLASSIC and ..., Section of historical processes completely renewed!
crumbs and actuality · 05. May 2023
We are happy to be able to communicate that we have finished the makeover of the HISTORICAL ARCHIVE section within the menu item .....

How many red Lancia Delta Martinis were there?
crumbs and actuality · 29. July 2022
A real debate has intrigued the rally community and historic rally enthusiasts for years. When we think of the 1989 Sanremo Rally, the first image that comes to mind is the famous Lancia Delta with .....

Miracle, Pubbli Auto still exists and we didn't know it!

Small restyling
crumbs and actuality · 18. October 2021
The time has come for a small restyling at Pubbli Mais. We have finally found the time to adorn our small entrance ......

Historical intertwining: the handover between Pubbli Auto and Pubbli Mais
crumbs and actuality · 02. August 2021
Pubbli Auto, founded in 1958, was a well-known historic Italian company that, starting from the early 1970s ...

Un another spectacular historical find
crumbs and actuality · 07. January 2021
A Christmas that gives us a very welcome and exciting surprise. Taking advantage of the winter break we started to put our archive .........

crumbs and actuality · 26. July 2019
Da qualche tempo PubbliMais è partner di RUOTE LEGGENDARIE, un team composto da un gruppo di appassionati e possessori di auto storiche ....

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Strada della Pronda 135/9 - 10142  TORINO (ITALY)

PI 10210790019  

Tel. +39 011.701618


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