Posts tagged with "marlboro"

We certify the historical liveries!
crumbs and actuality · 24. October 2023
Pubbli Mais has a historical past well known to enthusiasts and a renowed experience in the field of rally liveries which has been consolidated over the years ...

Pubbli Mais at Autolook Week Torino
events · 15. September 2022
We could not miss the first edition of Autolook Week (7-11 September 2022), an extraordinary event promoted by the City of Turin and the Piedmont Region and which .....

The historic duo Munari-Mannucci is recomposed ... or almost
events · 22. September 2021
When they commissioned us to create the writings of the famous Lancia Fulvia drivers - Munari/Mannucci - specifying that the ...................

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